Our goal in this article is to show you exactly how to make money online on Facebook group. Examples are provided in step-by-step format. This article uses our example Facebook Group about wedding fitness as an example.
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Facebook Groups are a great platform for connecting and communicating with like-minded people, as well as sharing your interests and expressing your opinions, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make money from them. Having a Facebook group could be like sitting on a goldmine, but you have to know how to mine it.
How Much You Earn In Facebook Views In 2025
Top 10 Ways To Earn Money From Facebook Groups
01. Develop Your Group & Opportunity
Increasing your Facebook group’s growth is the best way to earn money. You will reach a wider market if you expand the size of your group and gain more engagement.
Your Facebook group already gives you insight into who your ideal customers are. The only thing left to do is to find more of them, because there is only one thing left to do.
02. Develop A Facebook Advertising Campaign
You cannot yet create an ad campaign directly from your group (although Facebook may be working on this). The problem can be overcome, however. Establish a Facebook page to match your group if you haven’t already done so. Afterwards, you should link your group and your page.
03. Adding Qualifying Questions
Having a Facebook group is good, but if you want to make money from it, you need to attract the right people. You can check whether pending members are ready to join by asking them questions. On the group page, click Manage Group from the left-hand side.
04. Consider Going Beyond Facebook
Despite your group’s Facebook presence, you can still promote it elsewhere. Your website, other social media channels (Twitter, Instagram, etc.), and even offline channels, like leaflets (if you run a local group), will help you grow your group.
05. Merchandise That Is Printed On Demand
Online sales of print-on-demand merchandise are one of the easiest ways to make money, especially if you already have an audience. In essence, you upload designs to a print-on-demand (POD) platform, like Kite.ly, and then connect your Shopify store with your Facebook account.
06. Set Up A Paid ‘Premium’ Group
Besides selling to members, you can also charge them directly to join your group.
In “real life,” people happily pay membership fees to be a part of groups and clubs, so if you put your time and effort into your Facebook group, it should be the same on Facebook.
07. Help Others By Creating A Course
A good money-making mindset is to focus more on how many people you can help than how many you can sell. Create (and sell) a course like this one to share your knowledge and help members of your group.
08. Promote Your Group By Selling Ad Space
Ad space sales don’t seem like the most ethical way to monetize your group on the surface. You can make it very beneficial for your group and members by controlling who advertises.
09. Keeping Engagement High Is Key
In order to gain the trust of your audience, you need to engage with them more than just have hundreds of followers. You can keep engagement on your Facebook group high by following these 3 tips (for free!).
10. Knowing When To Post Is Importan
The Facebook platform undergoes many changes each day. If you post during a time when none of your members are online, your post will be lost among the sea of baby pictures, life updates, and cryptic status updates when they do log on.
Conclusion – Make Money Online On Facebook Group In 2025?
Managing a Facebook group takes hours of time and energy, but monetising it isn’t all that difficult. Making money on Facebook can be done in a variety of ways, from growing your group to selling merchandise and courses.