WhatsApp released a new feature in February 2025 is called Channels. With this feature, you will receive private updates from all channels that you follow. You can share updates by setting up your own WhatsApp channel. Here are a few tips that can help you how to follow and create WhatsApp channels on your phone.
How To Create A Whatsapp Business Channel?
Create a WhatsApp channel to share updates and chat with your followers. Getting started will require a WhatsApp account. If you still need to get one, learn how here. The WhatsApp Business app also provides access to Channels. Learn more here. Be sure to update your WhatsApp account if you have one.
Create WhatsApp Channels On Android Devices
- Go to your Android Device’s WhatsApp (Business) App’s Updates tab and click on it.
- The “plus” icon will appear, and you can select “New channel“.
- To complete your channel setup, add a name to the Channel. Changing the name is possible at any time.
- Your Channel can be branded with a description and icon as soon as you create it.
- Tell your followers what your Channel is about in a few words.
- Either an emoji or a sticker can be used as your icon. A picture can be uploaded, or a document can be uploaded.
Create A Whatsapp Channel On An Iphone In 2025
- On your phone’s settings, you’ll find the Updates tab for WhatsApp.
- A channel can be created by clicking on the “plus” icon.
- Follow the onscreen prompts after clicking Get Started.
- To complete your channel setup, add a name to the Channel. Changes to the name can be made at any time.
- Your Channel description should be brief and explain what your plans are for content.
- Whether it’s an emoji, a sticker, or an image, your icon can represent who you are. Setting up your Channel requires either uploading or taking a photo.
Easiest Way To Create A Whatsapp Channel Using Your Browser
- Using WhatsApp Web in your browser, click Channels to access Channels.
- The “plus” symbol can be related, and then you can create a channel.
- Follow the onscreen instructions by clicking Get Started.
- Your Channel is now ready to go. Add a channel name to complete the setup.
- Your Channel can be immediately personalised by adding a description and icon.
- Describe your Channel’s content and what you’ll be doing on your channel.
- Emojis, stickers, and images can all be used as icons. Your Channel can be set up with a photo uploaded or taken.
How To Share Updates On Your Whatsapp Channel?
Any updates you make, as well as any content you share, are public. Once you login, you will be able to see anything you post:
- Keep your followers updated with all your posts
- People who do not mind you (they only see the latest 30 days’ updates)
- Shared content can be text-based (with links) as well as images and videos.
How To Verify Your Whatsapp Channel Easy Method
Go to the channels page and open your Channel to share written content. Your post needs to be composed. Besides formatting, you can also use strikethrough, bold, and underline to enhance your text. The smiley option on WhatsApp also enables you to add emoji’s.
Your link will appear as a preview if it has images and content. Upon completion, click the arrow, and your update will be posted.
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