Check average Digital marketer salary in Pakistan for 2025 as compared to other countries and professions. Aside from median wages, we will examine 25th and 75th percentile salaries, experience levels, and bonus ranges. The salary of an AI Engineer in Pakistan in 2025 can be found below.
How Much Digital Marketing is Earning in Pakistan 2025?
Digital Marketers in Pakistan typically earn 904,700 Pakistani rupees per year, with the lowest average salary being about 478,000 Pakistani rupees and the highest average wage being 1,380,400 Pakistani rupees per year.

Average Digital Marketing Manager Salary in Pakistan 2025
Digital Marketing Managers in Pakistan typically earn around 105,000 PKR. A salary can range between 56,400 PKR (least) and 158,000 PKR (most). In Pakistan, what is the average salary of a software engineer on a monthly basis?
A salary that includes housing, transportation, and other benefits is provided. The salaries of Digital Marketing Managers in Pakistan vary greatly based on their experience, skills, gender, or location. The following table includes a detailed breakdown based on a variety of factors.
Salary of Digital Marketers in Pakistan by Experience Level
After a specific profession, a person’s salary is determined by their experience. As a matter of logic, higher salaries follow from more experience.
- 0 – 2 Years Experience: In Pakistan, digital marketers with fewer than two years of experience can expect to earn around 551,200 rupees.
- 2 – 5 Years Experience: It is expected that the salary of a Digital Marketer would increase to 677,100 PKR after two to five years of experience.
- 5 – 10 Years Experience: With five to ten years of experience, a Digital Marketer typically earns 958,700 Pakistani rupees per year.
- 10 – 15 Years Experience: Upon reaching ten years of experience, you can expect to make around 1,120,700 Pakistani rupees.
- 15 – 20 Years Experience: Digital Marketers with 15 to 20 years of experience can expect to earn around 1,235,600 PKR on average.
- 20+ Years Experience: Digital Marketers with more than 20 years of experience can expect a salary of 1,306,100 Pakistani rupees.
Chart of Average Salary by Experience:

Highest Paying Cities Near Pakistan for Digital Marketers

Digital Marketer Salary in Pakistan by Education Level
A person’s educational background plays a significant role in how much he or she can earn as well as their level of experience. Some higher-paying positions require a high level of education, but what is the increase in salary from a degree?
- High School: An average Digital Marketer in Pakistan makes 665,300 Pakistani rupees with a high school education.
- Certificate or Diploma: A Digital Marketer in Pakistan who holds a certificate or diploma can expect to earn an average salary of 757,600 Pakistani rupees.
- Bachelor’s Degree: It is possible to earn 990,700 PKR in Pakistan as a Digital Marketer who has a bachelor’s degree in marketing.
- Master’s Degree: Depending on the level of education, a Digital Marketer can earn as much as 1,306,100 Pakistani rupees on average.
Chart of Average Salary by Education:
High School | 665,300 PKR | |
Certificate or Diploma | +13% | 757,600 PKR |
Bachelor’s Degree | +31% | 990,700 PKR |
Master’s Degree | +32% | 1,306,100 PKR |
Pay Increases for Digital Marketers in Pakistan Every Year
Employees are often rewarded with pay raises every year as a way of acknowledging their service.
Our data can be made more meaningful by calculating the approximate annual pay raise using a simple formula:

This means that a Digital Marketer can expect an average pay raise of 7% every 12 months in Pakistan.
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